Welcome to Source, Brittany!
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We have big ambitions for Source in 2025, our 20th anniversary year, and marketing plays a big part of our plans.
With the bulk of marketing ideas and execution coming through Ollie (with expert design work from friend and freelancer, Rob Martin), there is a need for us to call for reinforcements as we aim to go to another level with our content output.
Reaching out to our industry contacts for suggestions, Brittany was suggested to us via friend and supplier, Nick Winstone of BioVate.
Nick's fellow countryman and industry counterpart in South Africa is Brittany's father, a cleaning chemical business owner, meaning Brit has valuable experience in our sector.
Credit to Nick's intuition, Brit was a great fit and has hit the ground running. It seems the experience gained with her father's business has eased the transition into the Source culture somewhat and Brit has slotted right in.

Part of Brittany's role is to create consistent, digestible content from the plethora of subjects in our industry.
People, products, news, hot topics… we want to bring our audience valuable and engaging marketing pieces that reinforce Source as a trusted source (pun is just too easy, but it works) in the cleaning and washroom industries.
If you're in the marketing department of one of our customers or within our supply chain, reach out to Brit and, together, we can create stories of all the positive changes we are making.
If you're in the marketing team of a business we don't currently work with, we'd love to hear from you too.
Wishing Brittany every success as she embarks on her Source career!