Goodbye, Geoff

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The team here at Source are shocked at the news of Geoff's passing.

It has underlined how close we are as a family and serves as a reminder of how meaningful our colleagues can be. 

Geoff was amazing with people. He was at ease with anyone from any walk of life, building rapport effortlessly. He enjoyed having audience and never failed to deliver amusing anecdotes and jokes. Geoff's gentile nature earned him universal opinion that he was an all round great bloke.

We were all excited for Geoff and his wife, Sue, to enjoy their retirement splitting time between the UK and Portugal. Counting down the months and weeks with Geoff, it was bittersweet for his Source family. We would clearly miss a great driver who was reliable, professional and kind but also we'd miss seeing Geoff everyday. But we were excited for him to realise his grand plans.

Geoff was a real foodie and we all enjoyed hearing Geoff describe the dishes he produced and see the passion he had for cooking. 

Our thoughts are with Geoff's family.

Rest in peace, Geoff. Thank you for some very fond memories.

Ollie, Dave and your Source Family 


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