A Decade of Support for CMPP Charity

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10 years ago we met Tracy Jarvis, a local lass from Aldershot who was on a mission. A mission to make her vision a reality.

That vision was to harness the plethora of corporations (from the conglomerates to the sole traders) based within the borough of Rushmoor and surrounding areas, directing them to community projects that needed help.

Tracy and her fantastic team have exceeded their goals and objectives since the inception of CMPP but they want more. Her energy and drive rubs off on her team and the CMPP membership, resulting in more lives being positively impacted, year on year.


Tracy kindly presented Source with an award at the Christmas party hosted by The Aviator. Thank you, T!

Source is proud to host an Annual Golf Day for CMPP which is always a fun event and the CMPP team and members contribute to making good memories whilst raising lots of money.

Over the years, our team have enjoyed participating in and creating many events including:

  • 5-a-side league
  • Speakers in Schools
  • Mock Interviews
  • Golf Days
  • Marathon Treks
  • Cycling Events
  • Bake Sales
  • Twilight Runway Challenges

We look forward to another decade of involvement with CMPP and proudly continuing to fly their flag on all our vans.

Check out and follow CMPP on LinkedIn.

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